There's a lot of stories that i wanted to share actually.. but time is rather limited. Wateva it is I will try to summarize everything ya...Thursday was the day.. Yup, the day!!! The nite b4 dat I was like tossing left n right on my bed forcing myself to sleep n finally when Im able to sleep, I was awaken again with the butterfly in stomach feeling. Finally when the morning came, I was already up at around 4am. Waiting fr the time to wake the kids up as usal. They went to school like normal days while I get myself ready first. On that same day, Qistina wasnt well too. On Wednesday she was already having fever and vomited twice. So no choice lah still have to bring her to the clinic on Thursday morning. We went out at about 9am to head to the doc and out of the doc by 9.50am. Doc gave her usual medication for her fever and also antibiotics. Like an F1 driver, hub drove fast so that we could reach SK Cyberjaya by 10am. Yes, and I mean real fast.. zooommmmMMM!!!! And we made it!! Upon arriving, I saw that the principal with some teachers have just got back frm PPD to collect the UPSR results. Dat's the cause of my tossings the nite b4. All the P6 were already assembled in the Assembly Area waiting patiently fr the 'time'. I was really restless at that time n tried to fill my time by taking photos n videos while hub waited at one corner with Qis on her stroller.And then the time came!! The names of the students achieving 5As and those with 4A1B will be called first n seated on a few rows of chairs in front of everyone.One by one were being called while I took the video of them with my fingers crossed hoping highly dat one of them will be my girl. While the video was on the record mode, suddenly I heard a name being called 'Dinah Diyanah binte Yusof"!! Oh my goodness!! Its my girl... She made it... Yess!! I was too ovewhelmed that I accidently switched off the video and ran to my hub with tears of happiness in my eyes. Alhamdulillah syukur syukur syukur... I cudnt stopped thanking Allah for all the things dat were blessed to me.... I then continue taking the video once I got back my feet to the ground. And once done with all the giving of results slips, these students were allowed to go to their parents who were each waiting for the time to hug their own kiddos for their success... and Im one of them. I hugged my girl tight with tears in rolling on each other's cheeks. She was in the state of shocked as well. Without waiting to get back home, I smsed my mom who's in Mecca right now to inform her of the great news and then my bro as well. Once we got back home, placing my wall post of my girl's achievement, a non stop congrats were given to me. Last year, I had my best advanced birthday gift by God's gift of Qistina to me. And this yr, Allah granted my doas n gave me my best birthday gift fr this yr by giving me good results frm my son Danish Mirza and my eldest girl Dinah Diyanah. Thanks to Allah for the great gifts and wonderful children. Amin ya rabbal 'alamin......Till today, Im still so thankful and cudnt stop thanking Allah fr answering my prayers. Alhamdulillah.....But I told my eldest girl, dat this is just the beginning of her life to success. There's still a long way to go for her and she must never slack even a little to the road of success.
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