Hey hey hey... im in SG currently. Landed here on saturday frm KLIA LCCT at 12 noon. Fetched by my mom n bro, we went straight to Joo Chiat to get some things before heading back to my parents place. A few days was alrite although my lil gurl n me are being attack with a very bad cough. Thank God that my lil one doesnt have any asthma or else she will end up in KK like her brother few years back. As for me, i'm struggling with the cough n asthma that has been quite awhile been gone and now its back again due to my 'uhuk uhuk'. Planned to go out with my cuzzie but end up had to be cancel bcos of this bloody cough n asthma. Not a great week to be back in Singapore actually. Hub's in KL as he has to work lah as usual. He will be back here in Singapore this Friday n then we'll be driving back on Sunday aft my uncle's wedding.Urrgghhhhhh!!!! I hate this cough!!! **sniff sniff* Yummm... a nice smell frm the kitchen... mum's cooking. Alhamdulillah... taken my lunch yg LAZAT sgt.. Thanks to mum!! ;) (winks)Adoiiii.... seksa lah with this cough... my dada pain u know... Nak breathe pon very difficult. Sesak nafas mcm nak mati pon ader sey... kwangkwangkwang...Anyway, right now, lazing around, dun know wat to do.. nak play puzzle pirates but my bro's pc takder dat game.. Installing..?? It takes awhile to d/ld lah. Troublesome. So, TV jer lah looks like it.... My eldest one is bz w her school project rite now, my son is conquering the tv w either nickleodean or disney channel, my youngest girl is bz messing the whole house n me, here updating what im supposed to update w no ideas in my head. Good ek.. :P :P :P. Shall pause fr now.. till then... STAY TUNE YA ;)
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