Wahh.. dah beberapa hari nie, didnt get the chance to update my blog lah. Cos I was bz planning n making arrangement for a surprise birthday for my son, Danish. Plan punya plan.. i ended up this idea of making a surprise for him in his school. "Who said housewife duduk diam2 kat umah..?? Otak tetak berfungsi dgn vigorously tau.) Anyway, made orders for LeaOven for 50 rainbow cupcakes (40 to be sent to his class and 10 for us) and a 1kg Red Velvet cake. All with edible images of him. So this morning, I was already out to collect the orders at Kota Warisan. With an online map as my guide, I found the place without any difficulties. Looking at the cupcakes n cakes, I am completely satisfied. Right after collecting, straight to Cyberjaya Primary School, we walked up to his class. Asked the permission frm the teacher on duty to just give us 5 mins to pass the cupcakes. Jgn kata my son yang surprised, his teachers pon ikot surprised jugak. Cos, nie kira bidan terjun. We didnt even give some notice to the school for this. Hahaha. Keje gila kan namanyer. Since we dont want all this interruption to prolong, we made our way out once the boxes have been passed to the teacher. Back home, I dah start to goreng mee lah sikit so that I can give some of it n some of the cakes to a friend of my son who is of a different class although in the same school. By 1pm, everything dah selesai. By that time, hub pon dah pegi work lah. What to do.. work is still work. So it will be just the kiddos n me jer lah to celebrate this mini birthday bash.About 2pm, my birthday boy came back from school... showed him his cakes, he gave me a smile and then start to babble abt what happen in school aft we passed the cakes to the teacher. So on n on n on he goes, I made him to pause n asked him if he nak mkn or not. Dengan cepatnyer, he said "Mummy!!! Nak mkn!!" Boleh gitu. Aft done with his lunch of mee hoon goreng, he asked me he could cut the cake n start to stuff it in his mouth. But I told him to be patient to wait fr my eldest girl to be back from school. Although both of them are in a school next to each other (gurl is in Cyberjaya Sec) but their dismiss time is different. So we waited.... After my eldest came back, "WHAT R WE WAITING FOR??!!", we started to sing a birthday son for him and he started to pose for cake cutting ceremony. Meanwhile, my lil one, was making the whinning sound cos she had been waiting very patiently for the cake although 2 of the cupcakes dah kene kebas!!. Hahahaha. All in all, I gave a double thumbs up for the cakes as they were simply superlicious.... Insyaallah, will do this again in December for my lil one's birthday bash. Inserted, some picts that I took just to share.... Remember, sharing is caring right.. *wink wink*. Till then...... ciaooooo..... <3
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