My eldest girl (Dyna) was browsing her camera and tiba2 ternampak video abt my son (Danish) yg menggelikan hati i (walaupun dah tgk berkali2, still ketawa bagai nak pecah perut). This happened last December. (Dat time b4 the BioSlim, I ader chubby byk lah - pomot nie). Masa tu I was back in Singapore during the year end school holiday. My parents, my brother, my kiddos n I went out fr our dinner somewhere near Masjid Sultan. Dat time my hub takder lah sbb kene tinggal kat KL hehehehe. (he's working and cudnt get his leave approve). Anyway, just something to laugh about lah....
Actually I was just playing around lah.. Not really serious abt it but end up he took the challenge... Haahh, amik kao..!! Hehehe terkebil2 dibuatnyer kan. So enjoy lah ek.. will post another video tomorrow...
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