Last weekend tu rasanyer mcm cepat jer dah abis. Today = Monday. Cepatnyer masa berlalu. Seriously each time if weekends pops up, dah tak rasa aper2 ah. Last saturday, dari kul 11 pagi Im already out of the house cos fil nak pegi umah sil kat Semenyih. Nak tido sana pulak katanyer sbb dah a week kat my place. We were there till abt 9pm and furthermore my sil tu baru jer balik frm Umrah.On Sunday pulak, out to Jemputan here at Taman Lestari Putra at 12 noon n then headed straight back home. Mcm penat semacam lah.. dats the reason I dun feel like going out. Usually kalau weekend comes jer, jgn haraplah we to be at home. Anyway, yesterday n today, Astro kasi free viewing fr all Astro channels lah..of course except Astro First lah hehehe. Im not sure y ... maybe sbb Israk Mikraj agaknyer. Kah kah kah. So nie alamatnyer, HBO, MAX, DISN, CITRA ajer lah.... Ya lah since its free kan. Better make full use of it. :P. Sekarang nie, pala ngah not thinking well lah.. aper lagi.. nyut nyut nyut nyut = migraine lah. So no hot stories for now yet. Maybe later2 mana kita tau kan...
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