Goodness me...!! Its been awhile again since my last posts. Sibuk sangat lah until I cant find time slot fr myself. Teruk kan..??!! Ha ha ha. Anyways, lots of things have been going fr the last couple of months. Nak citer pon I dun think boleh habis in a few minutes jer (tu jer yg i can spare). But wat im sure is dat, m looking forward to balik SG lah this wkend although a short trip back lah. Tu pon bcos nak visit my grandmom lah who is ill n at the same time tu lah org tua 2 org kat SG tu dah rindu ngan budak2 nie.. lagi2 telatah si kecik. So insyaallah balik lah kejap. Currently my 2 kids nie ngah exam this wk. Stress fr me as usual lah. Dorang tu rilek jer mcm selalu. Ohh.. si dian dpt selected for Library Prefect (Pengawas Pusat Sumber) ..alhamdulillah. Now she ngah on probation n once she dah confirm, uniform kene tukar lah alamatnyer - from head to toe suma lain dari the usual school uniform. Another thing, 2 more days to Dian's 13th birthday. Nothing grand to do lah sbb ngah exam n furthermore she pon tak nak sbb dia kata "dah besar lah mummy". Hahahha. Kita ikotkan ajer lah kan. Cuma nanti sunday nak balik SG, nak gi amik cake birthday dia dulu b4 heading back. Hopefully cantik lah cake tu nanti hehehehe.... looking forward sebenarnyer nie. (anak yg nak birthday, si mak lak yg over excited ek)Si Qis now jgn kata dah jln, dah lari ah. satu umah dia dah lari..tangga pon dia dah turun naik. Kita yg asik kecut perut..tak tenteram nak buat keje umah kdg2 tu.Danish as usual himself. Degilnyer tu subhanallah.. Allah saja yg tahu.. Sabar jer lah kan..... kalau tak sabar, rembat ajer ngan rotan.. wuakakakkaa....K lah, need to sambung my next chores (haaiizzz bila lah nak abis nie - penat!!)
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