A normal day today, its been awhile I last wrote in here. Bz lah since coming back to Singapore. Yup, Im back here in my own birth country. Reached here at abt 8.30pm last Friday n was already hectic that we didnt even have dinner. Saturday was awake early and settled the dirty laundry n swept the floor b4 heading to the airport to fetch my parents frm Haj. After that has been bz with helping them to pack some souveniers for relatives and in fact till last nite we were still unpacking and packing. Hubs already back in KL yesterday as there are errands that he has to do and by thursday he's already back in the office again. As for us, we will be here till the 20th dec. And then back to KL again to prepare for school to re-open.Im planning for a little birthday party among my mom's side at my grandparents place this Saturday. Just a small one lah since hub's not around - so not so fun lah. Insyaallah if time permits, next year will be having a little bigger birthday party for Qistina. Im done with helping my mom with the housework. Ha ha.. Who says staying w mom u can relax.. hahaha.. Im not the anak manja u know.. I still know my duties.. :P . Dad's already out to go get some late breakfast.. hehehe.. dat part Im the anak manja :P. Not just me lah.. In fact all.. hahahaha... dat includes my broter, my mom and my kiddos. And even when hub's around, he's one of them too.. ha ha ha...Wow, something wonderful has just happened earlier... Qis is finally able to walk even tho I need to hold her single-handedly. Yeaaayy Qis!!! A long wait is finally here... and soon she will be able to walk on her own, and then run.. my goodness!!! Time is really zooming fast by right infront of my face!!! Alhamdulillah syukur that she's able to 'taaa teeee' b4 she's 1 yr old.. hehehehe.. but still cannot compete with my eldest one lah... Called hub to inform him and he was like laughing away with some shockness there. Yup, its only 1 day dat he is not here w me but within a day, Qis is able to walk.. he even ask me y not yesterday dat she's able to walk.. ahahahha.. how m i supposed to answer that.. kah kah kah... Anyway, my eldest gurl has got some of her gifts for achieving her 5As.. she has got her Samsung camera, Samsung handphone. Next will be her Baby-G watch n a trip to USS...K lah, I've got to stop for now... will continue again later aiyte... ;) Ciaooo...!!!
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