
Tuesday, January 22, 2013


MasyaAllah... its been awhile since my last update lah... Hahaha. Time flies so fast, dat each day I ended up too shag to update stuffs here. Routine were as usual but due to my son is now in Primary 4, so no more relaxing time for him n for me. Strictly every day 2 hrs tuition. I know it seems too early to 'bootcamped' him b4 he is due for his PSLE/UPSR. But if u dun start now, u can never keep track with the momento of P5 n P6. 

Routine for me are as per normal during the A.M. Settling the dirty laundry, vacumming the house, bath lil Qis, cooking b4 hub went to work, feed lil Qis lunch, once son comes back from school to prepare him lunch, while i rest fr awhile, once daughter comes back from school to prepare her lunch, help w son's homework, den start tuition for 2 hrs....... etc etc etc... it goes on n on n on until bedtime when I finally get some rest n a light sleep cos lil Qis will wakes up fr her milk. Den back to square one when I woke up at 5 am again....... I dun have to go to the gym to keep me fit u know.. Ha ha Ha..... The whole day job for me has already kept me handful.

Here, I have only abt 5 mins to spare... lol.... Till we see each other again..... 

XOXO..... cheers...:)

Wednesday, January 2, 2013


Waduh waduh waduh... lama betol tak berblogging kan. Sibuk sakan jer lah.... Anyway, takder lah aper2 yg menarik sangat untuk diblogkan. Cuma just nak share some picts n video jer lah. 
Today, budak2 dah mula skolah after hampir 2 bulan cuti kan. Routine aku, back to normal lah. Suma buat sendiri. Dulu ader budak2 nie, boleh jugak tolong2 aper yg patot. Now sendiri lah semua. Dah mcm maid+bangla tadi pagi.. Berpeloh2 kalahkan buruh kasar keje kat luar tau...!! Hehehehe.
Tahun lepas, ura2 nak masokkan si Qis nie to playschool tapi unfortunately sini takder. Pre-school bermula umur 4 tahun utk nursery. So alamatnyer kene tunggu lah tahun 2014... Hehehe... lagipon rasa2nyer mcm masih kecik si Qis nie. Yerlah, lahir tahun 2010 tapi umurnyer baru jer lepas 2 tahun. Al maklum, lahir bulan december. Kalau masok skolah, dia lah yg paling muda.. sbb suma dah cecah umur tu, dia jer yg blom. Best kan.. hehehehe.
K lah, nie ader lah a few picts taken ... Enjoyz the picts n videos k... ;)


Right in front of my crib.. New Year 2013.

So gitu lah citernyer.. nothing special lah.... Till then; Stay tuned.....;)